General Information
Age range: 3 to 11 years (extended according to need).
Opening times:
Early Birds: 7:30am-9am Term-time
After School club: 3.00pm - 6.00pm
Holiday & INSET:
Early Birds: 8am-9:00am
Full day: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Half day: 9.00am - 1.00pm or 2.00pm - 6.00pm
3/4 Day: 9.00am - 3:00pm
Late pick up
If a child is not collected on time, the Club reserves the right to charge the parent late collections fees – currently £20.00, then £10.00 per 15 minutes after.
We offer a variety of ways to pay for your fees:
Bank Transfer
Childcare Vouchers
Student Finance
Tax-Free Childcare
Please note we do not accept cash or cheques.
Number of children
The club is registered for up to 32 under 8’s for after school and during holidays, plus additional children over 8 to a total of 45.
Number of staff
The club has a large team of playworkers and volunteers. Our ratios are 1:8 during after school and holidays. It then changes to 1:4 on trips, plus an additional member of staff not counted in the ratio for safety.
How it works at Westbourne Primary School
Staff wait at our meeting point within in the school.
Teachers hand over the younger children and the older children make their own way. All children are signed in on our register.
Children are taken to the hall, where a snack and drink is provided. From there, the children will have free play and receive a cooked tea from 4.30pm.
Home Time: Collection is from the main school gate.
We ask that parent/carers call when they are at the gate/walking towards.
Children will gather their belongings and be walked out with 2 staff members.
1 member of staff will stay with the children in the main entrance/office, whilst another staff member lets parents/carers in from the gate and walked down to the meeting point.
Parents/carer are to sign out and write the time of collection on our registers.
Children will be handed over once they have been signed out on the register.
This makes for a much safer and smoother handover.
Please remember your passwords (as chosen by you, on your registrations forms) for collection, if staff have not met you before, you will be asked for confirmation of collection.
Please note: we have no access to classrooms for any items left behind during school times.
When we are open and closed
KidsZone After School Club is open for 48 weeks of the year. The club closes 2 weeks at Christmas and 2 weeks in the middle of the summer holidays.
Session fees are still due should your child not attend due to school inset days, school closures and general absences.
School activity clubs
If your child would like to take part in the activities provided by the school, please could you let us know by completing a club information slip.
Staff will collect children from our meeting point and be taken to the hall for the remainder of the session and until parent/carer collection.
Meals and Snacks
Drinks and tea are provided at after school club. (See menu)
During Holiday Club, children are to bring a substantial packed lunch when booked for full day sessions and on trip days, as well as a water bottle.
All drinks, snacks, and other meals are provided during the day.
Child Protection
KidsZone's first priority is the protection of the children in our care. We ensure that all our staff are aware of the possible signs and symptoms of children at risk and their responsibility to report concerns and keeping concerns confidential. Children will not be released into the care of any person other than those previously named to us.
Your child's safety and welfare are uppermost and we must state that there are no exceptions to this rule.
Please remember your passwords (as chosen by you, on your registrations forms) for collection, if staff have not met you before, you will be asked for confirmation of collection.
Equal Opportunity Statement
KidsZone seeks to be inclusive of all its users. All children irrespective of their cultural, social, religious, ethnic background or ability will be encouraged to make a positive contribution towards activities within the club in order to enrich the development of all.
Experience of working with children with disabilities and special needs
We have developed a positive reputation for effective inclusion, across a range of disabilities and special needs including autistic spectrum disorders, hearing impairment, behavioural difficulties, development delay, and communication difficulties.
The ethos of the club is that everyone should be included, and to see working with children who have additional needs as ‘normal’. Children and adults are expected to accept others for who they are and celebrate differences.
The Club took part in the Barnardo's Mentoring Project, which aimed to support the club and staff in providing the best possible support to children with disabilities special needs.